Museveni og pínupilsin
18.9.2008 | 11:08
Yoweri Museveni forseti Uganda er hér í opinberri heimsókn. Ég lenti í honum í gćrkvöld ţegar bílalest međ forsetann og löggur međ blikkandi ljós í bak og fyrir fór suđur Kringlumýrarbraut, sjálfsagt í kvöldmat á Bessastöđum. Menn eins og Museveni ferđast aldrei nema í bílalestum međ löggur og blikkandi ljós - en ţetta virkar náttúrlega hálf hallćrislegt hér á landi.
Museveni er annars merkur náungi og meiri foringi en flestir ađrir ţjóđhöfđingjar í Afríku. Hann hefur náđ góđum árangri í starfi - og er m.a. ţakkađ veruleg lćkkun tíđni HIV nýsmita í sínu landi. Hann lýđrćđissinni ađ ţví leyti ađ hann vill fá ađ stjórna lýđrćđinu sjálfur. Ţađ er ţó skárra en víđa annars stađar.
Nema hvađ, í tilefni heimsóknarinnar er hér ný frétt af BBC vefnum:
![]() The minister said wearing a miniskirt was akin to going naked |
Uganda's ethics and integrity minister says miniskirts should be banned - because women wearing them distract drivers and cause traffic accidents.
Nsaba Buturo told journalists in Kampala that wearing a miniskirt was like walking naked in the streets.
"What's wrong with a miniskirt? You can cause an accident because some of our people are weak mentally," he said.
The BBC's Joshua Mmali in Kampala, the capital, said journalists found the minister's comments extremely funny.
Wearing a miniskirt should be regarded as "indecent", which would be punishable under Ugandan law, Mr Buturo said.
And he railed against the dangers facing those inadvertently distracted by short skirts.
"If you find a naked person you begin to concentrate on the make-up of that person and yet you are driving," he said.
"These days you hardly know who is a mother from a daughter, they are all naked."
Vice list
According to the minister, indecent dressing is just one of many vices facing Ugandan society.
"Theft and embezzlement of public funds, sub-standard service delivery, greed, infidelity, prostitution, homosexuality [and] sectarianism..." he said.
Earlier this year, Kampala's Makerere University decided to impose a dress code for women at the institution, our reporter says.
The miniskirt and tight trousers ban has yet to be implemented, but our correspondent sought the opinions of women on campus about the minister's opinions.
"If one wants to wear a miniskirt, it's ok. If another wants to put on a long skirt, then that's ok," one woman said.
But others had more sympathy with Mr Buturo.
"I think skimpy things are not good. We are keeping the dignity of Africa as ladies and we have to cover ourselves up," one woman, called Sharon, told the BBC.
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.